Die!Die!Die! to be released tomorrow.
July 11 (tomorrow) is the official release date of Die!Die!Die! the new comic book series by Robert Kirkman published by Image Comics and Skybound Entertainment.
What is out of the ordinary is that the series very existence and release date was only announced today via press release so it had the effect of a bomb.
What we know about Die!Die!Die!
There isn’t much we know so far about the comic book because the Image Comics page only lists the technical details and a very short description.
There’s a little more meat in the press release itself:
DIE!DIE!DIE! promises to be a blood-soaked, no holds barred, action-packed, irreverent story that fans won’t be able to rip their eyes from. We live in an evil world where evil people do evil stuff all the time and DIE!DIE!DIE! lifts the veil on a secret cabal within the United States government that influences world matters through targeted assassination. The world around us is manipulated right under our noses, mostly for the better… but sometimes for individual gain, and sometimes for the fun of it.
Technical description of the first issue.
Writer: Robert Kirkman, Scott M. Gimple
Artist: Chris Burnham
Colors: Nathan Fairbairn
Published: July 11, 2018
Age Rating: M
Blood will flow, Bullets will fly and the mayhem will never end, Die!Die!Die! brings all the action you could ever want.