Frequently asked questions

List of frequently asked questions

Here is a list of the frequently asked questions and answers. If you still have any question for us, please feel free to visit our “contact us” page or to come to drop by at our Montreal store.

Comic orders

Q: Can I subscribe to Comic book Series in the Komico Montreal store?

A: Yes, you can come to our Montreal store to sign yourself up for entire series, your name will be added to the system and your comics will be set aside for you to pick up at your convenience.


Q: Can I buy a single issue for a comic series?

A: Yes, we receive many extra comics for the major ongoing series that are placed on our “New arrivals” display. You can come at any time and grab a single copy you want.


Q: What comic books publishers do you offer?

A: We offer books from any publisher listed in the monthly previews (See full list of available publishers)


Q: Do you sell only comic books?

A: No, we sell also posters, collectibles, toys and manga books, if there is anything comic related you can’t find, we can order it for you and you will pay when you pick the item up.


Payment methods

Q: Do I have to pay my comics in advance when ordering?

A: No, when you put your name down for a Comic book series or a single issue, you will only have to pay once you come pick up your order.

Q: What can of payment methods do you accept?

A: We accept payments with debit cards, Visa and Master Card credit Cards.

Q: Can I order online?

A: It is not currently possible to order on our website, however, we have a selection of comic books available on our ebay store.